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AudioTheory Grids Update Log

2.1.0 – 21st February 2025

–Extra instrument grid
–Main piano instrument is now set independently of the grid instruments
–Options to export grids data as MIDI
–Auto save and load for all grids data
–Undo option to revert recent changes
–New stopwatch mechanism for greater timing accuracy

–Muted grids no longer highlight across the keyboard. This made sense when there was only one note grid, but across two it became confusing to see what was going on.
–Number pad selector now also shows in locked mode

–Input handling has been updated to better support keyboard input when used alongside the instrument grids
–Fixed a couple of issues with grids not muting correctly
–Grids-specific hotkeys no longer work when the file name input field is active
–Fixed a couple of display issues on 16:10 monitors

2.0.0 – 15th February 2025

–Fretboard builder with support for up to 7 strings
–Per-string octave can now be set
–Harmonic and melodic minor scales have been added to the scale library
–Lock and unlock states for main view
–Menu toolbar
–New options popup
–Colour wheel for selecting note colours
–Light theme
–The loaded preset name is now an input field that can be edited directly
–Fixed Do: Option to set Si or Ti as the 7th note in the scale
–Option to click on the scale name in the bottom left to swap between the major and relative minor scales
–Relative note names are now set in relation to the last used scale preset (as opposed to the current scale preset)
–The note selector (bottom left) now has a highlight effect when you add in notes
–Custom sharp and flat states now save between sessions (where as previously it was only the scale as a whole that would save)
–Clicking on a sharp/ flat chord name in the main application view now adjusts the sharp/ flat display for that note globally
–Note selector scale label is now appended with an asterisk when modified. This is to support some changes made in the last update to how relative note names display, and makes it clear what scale these labels are in reference to when the scale is modified.

–The 'clear highlighting' delay time for the 'high' setting has been increased from 1 second to 2 seconds
–Solfege standardisation – all notes now use Do Re Mi for fixed do
–Standardisation of default sharp/ flat display across all scale types
–B now displays as C♭ when appropriate in scales (e.g. G♭ major)
–Adjusted position of keyboard input overlay on black keys
–Removal of the splash screen
–Engine upgrade

–Fixed some issues with grids not saving or loading correctly
–Fixed an issue where out-of-range notes would still display on the grid
–Relative Roman numerals review to ensure consistent sharp/ flat information across all scales
–Movable Do: bugs fixed and new option to set minor scale as 'La-based' or 'Do-based'
–Fixed some issues with the sustain feature and some issues specific to using the mouse to play notes
–'Interval' label corrected to 'Degrees'

1.5.0 – 4th April 2024

–Custom colours can now be loaded from Colours.ini file

–Fixed an application error if attempting to play low notes outside of the supported octave range

1.4.2 – 4th October 2023

–Steam overlay support

–Engine upgrade

1.4.1 – 1st March 2023

–Sharp and flat notes for pentatonic and blues scales now correctly display relative to the corresponding major scale

–Engine upgrade

–Fixed an issue with the drum grid when using ASIO for audio playback
–Fixed an issue shifting the note grid up or down when using ASIO for audio playback

1.4.0 – 7th May 2022

–Options to choose between 37, 49, 61, 76 and 88 keyboard sizes
–Additional sounds for the new lower and higher notes
–MIDI support for out of range notes
–Extended output octave range (this can now be set between -2 and +2)

–Relative intervals can now display as either numbers or roman numerals
–Engine upgrade

–Fix for fullscreen size on new Macbook Pro laptops
–Relative note names for pentatonic and blues scales now reference the appropriate major scale
–Fix for scale intervals not displaying correctly
–Logo no longer vanishes on M1 Macs when fullscreen mode is active
–File browser support now working on M1 Macs
–Bug fix for modal scales not saving between sessions

1.3.0 – 29th October 2021

–ASIO support for Windows
–Improved latency options for Mac and Linux
–Audio data is now supplied uncompressed for faster audio playback times
–Velocity playback for MIDI input
–Variable render rate to optimise application CPU usage
–New system to poll QWERTY input
–Application run in background option added in
–Miscellaneous performance adjustments

–Sustain effect revision for non ASIO playback
–Application no longer runs in background as default
–Adjusted instrument mix so volume is more consistent between different effects
–All settings moved into the options popup
–New input system with improved highlighting response time when using a MIDI device
–Fretboard highlighting now operates independently of the keyboard output octave
–Engine upgrade

1.2.0 – 24th September 2021

–Chromatic highlighting
–New scale library
–New octave selector
–Dim scale presets now included
–MIDI input octave
–24 fret view option
–Note highlighting delay options
–'More settings' options popup
–Per-string guitar tuning settings
–Relative note naming (movable do solfège and roman numerals)
–DSP latency settings
–Improved MIDI response for highlighting
–Optimisations to note press and app button functionality

–A new button on the scale selector for playback looping
–Lock to scale now defaults to 'Yes'
–Layout of chord library updated to match new scale library

–Modal scale backgrounds now correctly update in the mini popup
–Fix for lines not correctly transposing when shifted up or down
–Fix for a display bug where icons in the bottom left would incorrectly overlay at a reduced width
–Sustain state now correctly saves
–Fix for colour overlap when two notes next to each other were both pressed
–Application now properly checks to resize if swapping from a 16:9 windowed to 16:10 fullscreen view
–Fix for highlighting issue when using MIDI and QWERTY input together

1.1.4 – 25th April 2021

–Bug fix for an issue where the app could unexpectedly crash if all notes were removed from the selector

1.1.3 – 28th January 2021

–Scale preset now updates if manually set

–Fixed mute button for playback grid
–The grey-out effect has been made uniform across the relative scale highlighting notes
–The sustain button state now correctly saves between sessions

1.1.2 – 8th December 2020

–Save/ load retains file name and last saved location

–Engine upgrade

–Bug fix for scales not reloading correctly

1.1.1 – 6th December 2020

–Fixed an issue with scale presets refreshing

1.1.0 – 5th December 2020

–Relative fretboard highlighting
–Option to display notes using Fixed Do solfège

–Priority of global and exact playback has been reversed (exact playback is now default)

1.0.2 – 30th November 2020

–Mini scale-selector fixed

1.0.1 – 28th November 2020

–Engine upgrade and fix for Mac OS Big Sur

Version 1.0.0 – 25th September 2020

Initial release of AudioTheory Grids