3.2.0 – 8th February 2025
–New diminished 7th chord selector added to the chord library
–Harmonic and melodic minor scales have been added to the scale library
–Solfege standardisation – all notes now use Do Re Mi for fixed do
–Standardisation of default sharp/ flat display across all scale types
–B now displays as C♭ when appropriate in scales (e.g. G♭ major)
–Adjusted position of keyboard input overlay on black keys
–Relative Roman numerals review to ensure consistent sharp/ flat information across all scales
–Hotkeys for swapping note language (buttons 1 – 4) now also work when viewing scale and chord sheets
–Fixed some small display issues with the dim7 popup when editing a chord
–Fixed an issue with MIDI input not highlighting chord notes at the correct octave in the chord library
–Quick load chords label in the file menu dropdown now correctly updates to sus2 when viewed in a drop tuning mode
Fixed an issue with chord names displaying in the wrong colour when using the light theme
3.1.2 – 26th November 2024
–The fretboard position is now slightly offset on 16:10 to account for the extra screen height. This was already in effect on the iPad version of AudioTheory Guitars, but now it's here in the desktop version too.
–Press colour has been added to the cross button in the options popout
–Chords are now correctly loaded from .txt preset files that also include a scale preset
–The Quit and User Guide dropdown options now fully close the dropdown before running their respective functions
3.1.1 – 18th November 2024
–Note selector scale label is now appended with an asterisk when modified. This is to support some changes made in the last update to how relative note names display, and makes it clear what scale these labels are in reference to when the scale is modified.
–Slightly larger cross icons in the note selector and quick select chord popup (iPad only)
–Adjusted the vertical position of the note selector (iPad only)
–Fixed an issue where the current note highlighting colours would inadvertently be reset
–Fixed an issue where one of the F# keys would also play an octave up when using the full keyboard overlay
–Fixed an issue where the screen would display stretched if the button to view the user guide was pressed (iPad only)
3.1.0 – 9th November 2024
–Relative note names are now set in relation to the last used scale preset (as opposed to the current scale preset)
–New 6th and Dm shaped barre chords
–It's now possible to view and set the note display colours by hex value in the options
–Two alternate note colour sets can now be loaded directly from the options popup
–The note selector (bottom left) now has a highlight effect when you add in notes
–Custom sharp and flat states now save between sessions (where as previously it was only the scale as a whole that would save)
–A message has been added to the options poppet to clarify that the buttons 1–4 can be used to swap the note display language from the main application view
–A message also appears on the main display when swapping note language via hotkey, just to clarify what change has been made
–Hotkeys now also respond to the keyboard number pad
–Clicking on a sharp/ flat chord name in the main application view now adjusts the sharp/ flat display for that note globally
–Numerous chord playback issues have been fixed
–Fixed an issue with the audio latency value not displaying correctly on MacOS
–Fixed an issue with certain pentatonic scales not highlighting correctly
–The chord offset label in the settings now correctly saves between sessions
–Since the last update chord circle outlines have been missing from the light theme. They are now back.
–Barre chords label is replaced with Sus2 label in dropdown when in a Drop 6th tuning
–Dracula's Cave Software logo now only displays in options and not also in the 'Welcome to AudioTheory Guitars' popup
–A few corrections have been made to how notes display when using Solfege
–Quick select chords popup now always displays on top of the scale select popup
3.0.1 – 19th October 2024
–Removal of the splash screen
–Engine upgrade
–Mode labels now correctly update to major or minor
3.0.0 – 20th July 2024
–Fretboard builder with support for up to 12 strings
–Per-string octave can now be set
–Lock and unlock states for main view
–Menu toolbar
–New options popup
–Colour wheel for selecting note colours
–Light theme
–The loaded preset name is now an input field that can be edited directly
–Fixed Do: Option to set Si or Ti as the 7th note in the scale
–Option to click on the scale name in the bottom left to swap between the major and relative minor scales
–Chords are now evenly spaced across the screen regardless of the application window width
–The 'clear highlighting' delay time for the 'high' setting has been increased from 1 second to 2 seconds
–Pentatonic scales now load the major scale chords
–Chords no longer auto load when swapping between the major scale and pentatonic with the same root
–The 'Set from chords' button now correctly distinguishes between major and relative minor scales
–Binary name has now changed to 'AudioTheory Guitars.exe'
–Movable Do: bugs fixed and new option to set minor scale as 'La-based' or 'Do-based'
–Fixed some issues with the sustain feature and some issues specific to using the mouse to play notes and chords
–'Interval' label corrected to 'Degrees'
View update post
2.4.0 – 4th April 2024
–Custom colours can now be loaded from Colours.ini file
–Fixed an application error if attempting to play low notes outside of the supported octave range
2.3.8 – 18th November 2023
–The user guide button now exits fullscreen mode, meaning the application now always swaps over to the internet browser when pressed
–Fixed an issue where chords would not correctly save and load between sessions
2.3.7 – 16th November 2023
–Fix for missing note position on the D# minor open chord
2.3.6 – 27th September 2023
–Steam overlay support
–Engine upgrade
2.3.5 – 2nd March 2023
–Sharp and flat notes for pentatonic and blues scales now correctly display relative to the corresponding major scale
–Engine upgrade
–Fixed a display issue with the capo selector
2.3.4 – 25th September 2022
–Added option to clear application data by holding shift whilst quitting from the options menu
–Engine upgrade
–Fixed Cm open chord
2.3.3 – 2nd April 2022
–The full dim7 chord sheet has been added back in
2.3.2 – 16th January 2021
–A quick patch to resolve an issue introduced in yesterday's update where the note selector would not work properly
2.3.1 – 15th January 2021
–Alternate A7 chord shape added
–Engine upgrade
–Fix for scale intervals not displaying correctly
–Logo no longer vanishes on M1 Macs when fullscreen mode is active
–File browser support now working on M1 Macs
–Bug fix for modal scales not saving between sessions
–Fix for diminished scales not loading correctly from the scale library
2.3.0 – 2nd January 2022
–Options to choose between 37, 49, 61, 76 and 88 keyboard sizes
–New toggles for UI elements
–Additional sounds for the new lower and higher notes
–MIDI support for out of range notes
–Extended output octave range (this can now be set between -2 and +2)
–Alt. open G chord shape added in
–Direct press on chord diagrams now plays back using the main instrument preset
–Relative intervals can now display as either numbers or roman numerals
–Fix for fullscreen size on new Macbook Pro laptops
–Relative note names for pentatonic and blues scales now reference the appropriate major scale
2.2.0 – 23rd October 2021
–Variable render rate to optimise application CPU usage
–New system to poll QWERTY input
–Application run in background option added in
–Miscellaneous performance adjustments
–Sustain effect revision for non ASIO playback
–Application no longer runs in background as default
–ASIO volume revision
–Crash fix for exiting application after changing certain ASIO settings
2.1.1 – 20th October 2021
–Dropdown to select either Built-In or ASIO audio driver (Windows only)
2.1.0 – 10th October 2021
–ASIO support for Windows
–Improved latency options for Mac and Linux
–Velocity playback for MIDI input
–Adjusted playback volume for chords
–Adjusted instrument mix so volume is more consistent between different effects
–Audio data is now supplied uncompressed for faster audio playback times
–Fix for an issue introduced in version 2.0.2 where scale playback highlighting would not work correctly
–Scale library now correctly refreshes for all tab combinations
–Fixed a scenario where note names would not update on application load
–Fixed a couple of issues with the diminished scales
2.0.2 – 29th September 2021
–New input system with improved highlighting response time when using a MIDI device
–Fretboard highlighting now operates independently of the keyboard output octave
–Engine upgrade
–Resolved an octave playback issue introduced in version 2.0.1
2.0.1 – 27th September 2021
–User Guide (link to page on AudioTheory website) and Quit Application buttons have been added to the settings
–Display fix for sus2 chord sheets (Drop D)
–Mini chord popup selector correctly refreshes if a chord from the full library is selected
–Mini chord popup selector now clears if 'no chord' is selected
–Notes now play for the correct duration when pressed directly on the fretboard and the sustain feature is turned off
2.0.0 – 24th September 2021
–New application themes
–Minimalist mode
–Chromatic highlighting
–New scale library
–New octave selector
–Dim scale presets now included
–A new button on the scale selector for playback looping
–Lock to scale now defaults to 'Yes'
–Layout of chord library updated to match new scale library
–MIDI offset replaced with MIDI input octave
–Modal scale backgrounds now correctly update in the mini popup
–Sustain state now correctly saves
–The preset name cross no longer shows in some scenarios when a preset was not loaded
–Fix for colour overlap when two notes next to each other were both pressed
View update post
1.18.2 – 30th August 2021
–Fixed inverted fretboard option
–Adjusted bass guitar background position
–Fixed display for 24 fret and bass view combination
1.18.1 – 25th August 2021
–Reverted to the original set of default chords
–Sharpness on fret numbers fixed
–Click and drag chords now works with slide out menu expanded
–Application now properly checks to resize if swapping from a 16:9 windowed to 16:10 fullscreen view
–Dim chords no longer show the '(no capo)' label if their start position is higher than the capo
–Fix for incompatibility between exact root note option and power/ barre chords with capo
1.18.0 – 19th August 2021
–24 fret view option
–Improved selector for open chords
–New sharp/ flat open chord shapes
–Note highlighting delay options
–Options to select a relative position or exact root note for chords + capo
–The default MIDI offset is now 0 (instead of +2)
–Per-string tuning settings have been moved into the options popup
–New sets of 'quick load' chords
–Fix for issue where capo background circles would not highlight correctly
–Fixed a couple of dim chord positions
–Fix for highlighting issue when using MIDI and QWERTY input together
–Corrected sharp/ flat display error for fixed do
View update post
1.17.1 – 22nd July 2021
–Fix for MIDI input playback
1.17.0 – 9th July 2021
–Click and drag to reorder chords
–Relative note naming (movable do solfège and roman numerals)
–DSP latency settings
–Improved MIDI response for highlighting
–Optimisations to note press and app button functionality
–App now launches in windowed mode as default (once it's been run once it will continue to load using the last used resolution settings)
–The saved file name is no longer displayed if the save dialogue box is cancelled
–Fix for scale highlighting overlapping with note selection box at reduced application widths
–The 'set from chords' button now updates to a specific scale preset if a match is found
–Fixed a bug where one of the Grapefruit synth high C notes played at the wrong octave
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1.16.1 – 20th June 2021
–Options popup remains centred regardless of window size
–Options popup bg has been resizes
1.16.0 – 17th May 2021
–New settings popup
–Option to turn on/ off the 'auto load chords with scale' feature
–New save/ load icons
–Improved MIDI support
–MIDI debug message
–Indicator for the current scale in the mini-selector has been added in
–Mini selector automatically opens to the tab for the current scale set
–Main keyboard octave is now unlinked from MIDI input
–Keyboard overlay type is now in the application settings
–The scale tab selector now remembers its last used position
–Fixed an issue with the fade background when selecting a capo value
–Fixed a bug where the file name 'cross' button would display when no preset was loaded
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1.15.0 – 5th March 2021
–Auto load chords with scale presets
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1.14.0 – 18th January 2021
–Extended barre and power chord library
–Reworked 'Quick Select' popout and fullscreen chord selector for barre and power chords
–New 'cycle chord' button to swap between chord shapes
–Alt. F and B open chord shapes
–Alt. shapes for all open Major 7th guitar chords
–The loaded preset file name now displays in light grey above the fretboard
–Scale preset now updates if manually set
–The sustain button state now correctly saves between sessions
–Fixed a display bug on the menu slide out icon hover state.
–The grey-out effect has been made uniform across the relative scale highlighting notes
–Display bug when re-pressing the current chord selector tab has been fixed
–Dim7 chord shapes reviewed and corrected (including fix for alternate tunings)
–Open string display on power chords revised
View update post
1.13.2 – 8th December 2020
–Save/ load retains file name and last saved location
–Chord names now auto update to display as sharp/ flat relative to the scale preset
–Engine upgrade
–Bug fix for scales not reloading correctly
–Bug fix for Dim7 chord state not always saving between session
1.13.1 – 6th December 2020
–Fixed an issue with scale presets refreshing
1.13.0 – 5th December 2020
–Relative fretboard and chord highlighting
–Option to display notes using Fixed Do solfège
–New button to auto set scale from chords
–Priority of global and exact playback has been reversed (exact playback is now default)
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1.12.2 – 30th November 2020
–Mini scale-selector fixed
1.12.1 – 28th November 2020
–Engine upgrade and fix for Mac OS Big Sur
1.12.0 – 5th September 2020
–Scale based highlighting – piano note highlighting is extended to the black keys and displays relative to the currently selected scale
–Note overlay names now also display as a sharp or flat relative to the selected scale
– 'Invert fretboard' option in the settings.
–Second keyboard playback mode where each note is assigned a key sequentially
–Two new synth presets
–Acoustic guitar preset sounds revised
–Improved playback latency
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1.11.1 – 13th June 2020
–Optimisations to reduce application file size
–Minor splash screen revision
–Fixed a bug with chord shape names not showing when an alternate tuning is used
–Left and right scrolling now correctly works on dim7 fullscreen chord sheet in 4:3 aspect ratio
1.11.0 – 27th May 2020
–Diminished 7 Chords with popup selector and fullscreen sheet
–Cycle display for dim7 plus sharp and flat chords
–Note playback duration and sustain effect option
–Quick select for modal scales
–Play/ pause button alternates display icon on fullscreen scale playback
–The flat glyph icon is now used across the application
–Streamlined mute button
–Position of 'no chord' button' in popup moved to accommodate extra tab
–Code optimisations to reduce application RAM usage and filesize
–Fixed an issue where the top-left scale preview did not play properly
–Fixed a bug where elements in the fold-out menu could be pressed through the chord box
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1.10.0 – 6th April 2020
–Modal scales added to fullscreen scale selector
–Option to loop scale playback
–Existing scale diagramds now display over one octave
–Bug with note icons not displaying correctly
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1.9.0 – 2nd March 2020
–Fullscreen fretboard view mode
–Per-string level tuning
–Removed capo setting from options cog (capo is now only set by pressing the numbers on the fretboard)
–Horizontal scroll icons no longer show on fullscreen chord and scale diagrams on 16:10 monitors
–Fixed a high C note on the fretboard playing two ocataves at the same time
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1.8.2 – 4th February 2020
–Additional aspect ratio support
–Available notes move into popup at reduced width
–Display of chord shape when using a capo fixed
–Fixed a display issue with the button background when selecting the already-loaded tuning
1.8.1 – 26th January 2020
–Fixed an issue introduced in 1.8.0 where greyed-out notes would not correctly save between sessions
1.8.0 – 25th January 2020
–Shifted guitar tunings
–Capo quick select
–Chord display and note highlighting optimisations
–Seperate button to drop 6th string
–Bmaj.7 chord fixed
–Keyboard outline/ grey-out overlap fixed
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1.7.2 – 8th January 2020
–Background load for fullscreen chord & scale sheets (speeds up application load time)
–Removed a warning message that appeared in macOS Catalina
1.7.1 – 3rd January 2020
–Another OSX specific fix to ensure presets save correctly with additional Mac security requirements
1.7.0 – 2nd January 2020
–Play button next to each scale on fullscreen scale selector to play/ preview scales
–Chords now highlight at the exact position on fretboard when using octave playback mode
–Chord and scale injection commits on button unpress (instead of press) allowing you to cancel selection by moving off the button during press
–'Fretboard Playback' renamed to 'Playback' in options cog as it now encompasses chords. 'Octave' option renamed to 'Exact'.
–Misc. chord fixes and adjustments
–Fixed an issue with a missing note when swapping from C7sus to certain other chord shapes
–Scale names now correctly save and load through presets
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1.6.1 – 18th December 2019
–Fixed an issue where saving a preset would crash the application (Mac only)
1.6.0 – 15th December 2019
–Options to save and load presets in .txt format
–'Tuning' options tab renamed to 'guitars', splitting out general settings config. and guitars config. into two options tabs
–Fixed an issue with note grey-out not working when loading the application with a bass fretboard + capo and then reducing the capo value
–Fixed a display issue with the box line length when using a A# Bb minor or B minor scale preset
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1.5.0 – 8th December 2019
–Drop D and drop Db tuning options
–Revised power and open chord diagrams for drop D tunings
–Csus2 chords (in place of barre chords) for drop D tunings
–Option for piano/ fretboard playback to only highlight notes in the relevant octave
–The open/ closed state of the settings cog now saves between sessions
–Tuning options moved into separate options tab
–Disabled chord state now persists through tuning change
–Open E string for C9 chord updated from high E to low E
–Fixed a bug with the 'locked to scale' state not correctly saving between sessions
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1.4.0 – 1st December 2019
–Pentatonic and Blues scale presets
–New quick select scale popup
–Fullscreen scale selector
–Cog toggle to hide and show options
–Option to completely hide (instead 'grey-out') notes that are excluded from the scale
–Keyboard option state for controlling the onscreen piano now saves between sessions
–Display issue where a chord popup was opened when the scale popup was already open
–Note highlighting now correctly works on barre and power chord fullscreen sheets
–Fixed an issue with out of scale notes not correctly greying out on barre and power chord fullscreen sheets
–Fixed an issue with chord playback when using certain barre and power chords plus a capo
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1.3.0 – 24th November 2019
–Support for power and barre chords (chord sheets plus quick select)
–Chord quick load options added to slide-out menu
–Chord selection tabs on quick select popup and chord sheets screen
–Loading the default chord set is now achieved by selecting the 'open chords' quick load option, replacing the the 'reset chord' option
–Issues with keyboard alignment
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1.2.1 – 19th November 2019
–Fretboard now accuratly plays notes in Eb tuning
–Chords correctly update on load when both a capo and Eb tuning are used
–Relative chord position indicator text is now better spaced on longer chord names
1.2.0 – 17th November 2019
–Fullscreen chord selector with mini-piano. Loaded from 'All Chords' button added to the chord select popup.
–Slide-out chords option menu
–Fullscreen chord note chart
–Position of chord playback button has been moved to make space for the slide-out menu icon
–Existing chord select options changed to 'quick select' chord select from the popup
–Chord reset button (which loads a set of 7 common open chords to the chord box) has been moved to an item in the slide-out menu
–Chord data comes pre-loaded (as opposed to being generated on start) to speed up application load time
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1.1.0 – 10th November 2019
–Chord and fretboard note playback
–Improved audio system for playing multiple notes at the same time or in rapid succession
–Position of scale preset title
–Minor chord fixes
–Note greyout update fix when swapping cappo and between guitar/ bass fretboards
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1.0.0 – 1st November 2019
Initial release of AudioTheory Guitars