AudioTheory Guitars – 1.12.0
Scale Based Highlighting Update

Scale Based Highlighting
AudioTheory Guitars version 1.12.0 is now here and this latest update introduces an extension to the colour coding system which I have dubbed 'scale based highlighting'. This applies the colour/ note relationship currently used for the white keys onto the black keys, where the colour used is determined by the selected scale.

The idea behind this is that just as the names for the black keys can be context dependant (say, C♯ or D♭ depending on the scale) the highlighting colour can be too. That means that when, say, C♯/ D♭ is presented as C♯ it highlights in yellow (the colour used for C) but when it's D♭ it highlights in orange (the colour for D). As such you have a consistent colour spectrum used through the scale preset.

As this is all scale-dependant, to make use of this you must first select a scale from the preset selector.
Scale Based Highlighting
This update also includes a few other bits and pieces:

–The note overlay names now also display as a sharp or flat relative to the selected scale.

–There is a new 'invert fretboard' option in the settings. This reverses the order the guitar strings display on the diagram.

–There is now a second keyboard overlay option that assigns a key to each of the piano notes sequentially across all three octaves. This (option 2) can be used instead of the default overlay (option 1 – a single octave across two rows) by selecting either the 1 or 2 option next to the 'keyboard' button.
AudioTheory scale based highlighting screenshot
And finally the update coincides with our next software release; AudioTheory Grids. This includes additional instrument presets and to celebrate they have also come to AudioTheory Guitars. The guitar preset has been replaced with a deeper sound that better matches that of a steel string acoustic guitar and there are two new synth presets for you to try out.
All updates are free for owners of AudioTheory Guitars. If you purchased directly then you can download the latest version from your Gumroad account. For Steam users, new updates can be downloaded through the Steam client.

For new customers, you will be purchasing and downloading the latest version.
AudioTheory scale based highlighting screenshot